Vintage findings/assemblage for mixed media artists, collage, art journaling, altered books. Patina matters.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bottom of the Barrel Finds

Hand drawn doll patterns: 

 Valentine dated December 1925

 Directions for making Chateaubriant written in French with dip pen.

Eric Gylling was a famous accordianist in Sweden. These are his hand annotated compositions. Not sure if they were his originals, or he was copying them in order to play them. I have more. They are beautiful works of art, probably done when he was young. Pencil/dip pen. 

I do wonder who this woman was. Is it a dedication to his mother? Grandmother? Wife? 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Vintage Sheet Music Chain Wreath

Fold sheet music in half lengthwise. Fold each of those in thirds lengthwise. Cut each in half crosswise. You should now have four lengths of 'chain'. Staple or tape together as many as it takes to make a circle. 
I embellished this with torn squares of different sizes, using the edge of the scissor to curl the corners. Lay them off center of one another. Put a button in the middle. Glue on flowers the  finish with leaves. 
Hang or use as around a pillar candle. Enjoy.